To tell the truth… When we opened our doors, we didn’t have a master plan or financial projections. We simply focused on the joy of the job, the quality of work, and strong client satisfaction. We made a commitment to learn as much as we could about the marketing landscape, and use that knowledge to benefit our clients.
Those basics would later make up the foundation of our core principles, strongly influenced by Google’s now well-known “10 things” list. Google – one of the best teachers in the marketplace today – was built around the idea that work should be challenging, and the challenge should be fun.
You’ll find Google-isms throughout this site, all of which help make us a better team every day.
Focus on the client & all else will follow.
Our clients’ needs are top of mind in everything we do. We take the initiative to highlight opportunities and suggest improvements whenever possible. We focus on deliverables, not vague marketing plans.
Fast is better than slow.
We are always responsive. We deliver the best possible product in the most efficient manner so that our clients can move on to the next important thing.
Great just isn’t good enough.
We pay close attention to the small things that move an effort from great to outstanding. We examine, tweak, and adjust our strategies, copy, and designs until we’re satisfied that we’ve created something our clients can be proud of.
Democracy works.
Every member of our team has a seat at the table. We foster an environment of openness, where dissent and debate are encouraged. The best ideas surface when employees openly question and challenge each other’s ideas.
You can be successful without doing evil.
Our team keeps a sharp focus on right and wrong. We dig deep to always find the most cost-effective option available to achieve the desired result for our clients and communities.
There’s always more information out there.
We are students of the industry who maintain a wide-eyed awareness of changes, trends, and opportunities that exist in the marketing arena, both online and offline.